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Instant Checkmate Opt Out and Removal Process

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Directories have been with us for a long time, and they have been instrumental in helping people find information about places and people and gain contact with friends and family they lost touch with. Things have changed over the past decades. Paper-based directories have been replaced by online directories, which are easier to access and have more information than traditional directories. 


What is can be considered an online directory. It is a public search website that carries detailed information about people. On this platform, you can learn about your friends, colleagues, family members, and others you might be interested in knowing. 


Instant Checkmate gives you access to all the information you need from people in America. That is court records, criminal records, aliases, arrests, addresses, and even age. The platform makes it easy for people in the community to find information that would otherwise be frustrating to get hands-on through other means. The service has handled over one billion searches for contacts, civil judgments, social media information, police records, and background checks


Note that Instant Checkmate has a premium service with an additional fee that gives the user more information. The additional information on the premium service includes hunting permits, weapon permits, tax and bankruptcy data, and business associates, to mention a few. 


How does Instant Checkmate get information?


Getting information from millions of people and consolidating it for easy accessibility for users is a daunting task. How is Instant Checkmate able to gather all that information on people? The primary strategy used by this service to avail the various information is by going through public records. Government agencies file most of this information, and the public can access it. 


Most information collected from public or government files includes criminal records, census records and data, and much more. Just from these sources, much information about a person can be collected.


For instance, you can get information such as civil judgments, court records, arrest records, and much more when it comes to criminal records. From census records, instant Checkmate reaches addresses, aliases, ages, and more.  


Instant Checkmate collects this information from various sources and consolidates it into a more straightforward and readable form. To search for a profile on this platform, you enter the first name, last name, city, and location; then, you click on search, and all the profiles bearing that name will show.


Why opt out of Instant Checkmate?


While Instant Checkmate is helpful to companies and individuals in conducting background checks and finding loved ones, there are reasons to opt out of the service. Note that this information is readily available to anyone, which exposes you to several risks. For one, there is the risk of your data being used by identity thieves and cybercriminals. You may also get stalkers who may disturb your peace; again, some businesses might use the information to send overwhelming advertisements.


Also, instant Checkmate is known for its aggressive advertisement campaigns that encourage people to find information about you.


Instant checkmate opt-out steps


Opting out of instant Checkmate is a simple process. If there is sensitive information that you are uncomfortable with people getting such easy access to, here is the process that you can follow to protect your online privacy.


Go to Instant Checkmate's opt-out page.


The first step towards a successful opt-out is by accessing the opt-out page. To get to the page, click on the following link: This is the simplest way to access your profile and opt-out.

 opt out page for Instant Checkmate

Enter your email address.


You will be prompted to enter your email address to verify your account.

 confirm email

Enter your date of birth.


Enter your date of birth to proceed to the next step. 

 enter date of birth (1)

Enter your legal name.


Enter your legal name and click the confirmation check box and select "Continue"

 enter your legal name

Confirm your information.


Select the correct profile.

 Instant Checkmate Opt Out through peopleconnect


Select the confirmation method.

You must select the method to receive a confirmation opt-out request. The confirmation can be received through a phone call, text, or email. You must have access to the verification method on file. 


If you do not have access to the verification methods provided, contact PeopleConnect customer support


Instant Checkmate takes 48 hours to finalize the opt-out. If you want to confirm if your information has been removed from this platform, search for your listing after 48 hours. Remember that the information on the services is collected from public sources. Therefore, the chance is high that other online directories have your information too. Consider removing your information from Instant Checkmate and all similar data brokers to protect it better.

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