How do I remove my information from
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Sign up for online privacy protection. is an online people search directory that lists public information. The website was founded in 1998 and has since made a pivot from a simple online directory to a nationwide people search site. publishes information including:
- Name
- Court Records
- Phone Number
- Related People
- Home Price
- Latitude/Longitude
Where Does OfficialUSA Get Their Information?
OfficialUSA collects and publishes links only to state and official websites. They have a list of institutes that you can easily visit and collect valuable information.
- Associations for Education
- Colleges and Trade Schools
- Departments of Education
- Online Degrees
- Online Classes - non Degree
- State Education Directories
- Teacher and Administration
OfficialUSA also publishes records from the Chamber of Commerce. There is a link to each official state website. Their goal is to provide opportunities for small business networking and to provide information about the area and communities for tourists and residents.
They also provide information to all official airports in the United States.
How do I remove my information from holds a significant amount of information about people. This includes DOB, background information, home address, and even latitude, and longitude. So removing your information from this website is crucial to your internet privacy.
1. Visit and perform a search.
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Remove My Info”.
3. Complete the form exactly how your information appears on your profile.
4. You will receive a confirmation message that your information was successfully removed.
Allow up to 48hrs for the information to be updated on their website. If you find your information on, it is also located on BeenVerified. They use the BeenVerified database to publish personal information and background reports. Learn how to opt-out of BeenVerified.
Protecting your online privacy
Once you have completed the opt-out process, 100+ websites still collect and display your information on the internet. To opt out of all data brokers and receive monthly monitoring and privacy reporting, sign up for online privacy today.