How to remove yourself from Michigan Resident Database
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Michigan residents database is an online directory of voter records for Michigan Residents. The website shared details about residents such as
- Name,
- date of birth
- Sex
- Home address
- City
- State
- postal code.
Michigan residents database collects their information from a number of public sources but mainly voter records. You will see stats next to each name such as their political party and the stats for that political party.
How do I get off the Michigan resident database?
Michigan resident database uses the same database as Persopo.
1) Search for your profile on their homepage
2) Locate your profile and copy the URL
3) Visit the Michigan residents database opt out page
4) Paste the URL into the opt-out form and complete the Recaptcha.
5) You will be redirected to a confirmation page where you can verify the correct details. Enter a verification email address and click submit.
You will receive a confirmation that your information will be removed within the next 48hrs.
Anyone searching Michigan records by name can locate personal information quickly and easily with this website. It is crucial to remove yourself from Michigan Resident Database to protect your online privacy.
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