How to remove yourself from Ohio Resident Database

Ohio resident database is a data broker that provides the personal information and voter records of Ohio residents. Users are able to find Ohio residents by phone, email, or address. 


Their information is gathered from public voter registration records, which are freely available to anyone who requests them. Due to the public domain status of the information, it may be collected, stored, and distributed.


How to remove yourself from Ohio Resident Database


1) Visit the Ohio Resident Database website and perform a name search.


Public Records Search in Ohio

2) Locate your profile and copy the link from your profile 


Public Records Search in Ohio opt out

3) Visit their opt-out page

4) Enter your listing URL 

Public Records Search in Ohio opt out page

5) Confirm your details and enter a verification email address. We recommend citing “Privacy Concerns” as your reason for opting out. 


You will receive a confirmation that your information will be removed from Ohio Resident Database within 24-48 hrs. They will also request that you wait for 48 hrs to send another request. If you have additional Ohio residents to opt-out use another email address. 


Anyone searching Ohio voting records by name can locate personal information quickly and easily with this website. It is crucial to remove yourself from Ohio Resident Database to protect your online privacy. 


There are 100+ websites that still collect and display your information on the internet. To opt out of all data brokers and receive monthly monitoring and privacy reporting, NewReputation is ready to help.

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