DOBsearch Opt-Out Process

DOBsearch, a data broker, posts personal information online through their people search service. To remove yourself from DOBsearch, you will need to complete an opt-out form. You can also verify your request by phone. It will take approximately one week for your data to be deleted.

How to remove yourself from the DOB search

1. Search for yourself using their search by name option, enter your name, and click "Search".

2. Locate your listing(s), click the box to the left and then click "Manage My Listings".

3. To have your listing removed, please type "I agree".

4. Click "Continue" to check the box left of your listing.

5. They will ask you for your name, date of birth, and email address. We don't recommend that you put your date of birth. Simply click "Continue".

6. To confirm your request, they will need to know your email address and telephone number. 

7. Enter the confirmation code you were sent and click "Continue".

8. Although your request has been received, it may take up to one week for your listing's removal.

DOBsearch will then instruct their partner sites not to display your profile in their results as well. You are one step closer to online privacy. Once you have completed the DOBsearch opt-out process, there are 100+ websites that still collect and display your information on the internet. To opt out of all data brokers and receive monthly monitoring and privacy reporting, NewReputation is ready to help.

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